Club Name: FCCLA - Family, Career, & Community Leaders of America
A brief description: This is the CTSO (Career & Technical Student Organization) for Early Childhood, Child Development, and Culinary Arts at Aiken High School
Advisers: Christa Franklin (Email Christa Franklin) and Jean Gorthy (Email Jane Gorthy)

Meeting place: Mrs. Franklin's room (E-208)
General dates + times: Mondays after school (approx. 3:40-4:30)
Duration: August - May
Remind: @fgcb89

2023-2024 Officers:
President - Rebecca "Becca" Bindewald
Vice President of Competitive Events - TBD
Vice President of Community Service - Christopher Franklin
Vice President of Public Relations - Ayanna Leach
Vice President of Membership - Emersen Sherrod
Vice President of Fund Raising - Marlenne Garcia-Lopez
Contact these students, or Mrs. Franklin or Mrs. Gorthy, if you have ideas, questions, or would like to join FCCLA.
Please Click on this link to complete the FCCLA Interest Survey