Welcome to Your Career Exploration Headquarters!

The Science of YOU!
All 9th graders will be doing a series of brain games called YouScience and it's all about, well, the science of YOU! What makes you tick, what are you good at, what do you enjoy - and also what you DON'T. Information will be given out during ILT in early October and the games will be played online. At the end of the series of brain games, YouScience will send the students their results and help connect those results to types of jobs that might be a good fit with their personality & strengths. We'll go over them through ILT and the results will also be discussed during their IGPs later this year.
Upperclassmen can also take part! Just complete the "contact me" link and I'll reach out to set up a time to get started!
More information about YouScience:
Resume Resources
Resumes don't look the same as they did even just a few years ago. How they are created, delivered and viewed is ever evolving as technology continues to expand at lightening speed. Likewise, the way our students promote themselves both for higher education and also employment has also changed. Don't panic!
Our school district is partnered with Tallo to bring our students the most relevant tools as they look to promote themselves to universites and scholarships as well as companies. Once a profile has been completed, students are then able to:
Share the personal link with teachers for recommendation letters
Print a traditional formatted resume from the profile
Link to RedKite, a national scholarship search engine that is customized to the STEM Premier profile.
Colleges & companies are eager to see what you're made of. Show them who you really are with your Tallo Premier profile. The profile is free! To get started to day, visit: https://app.tallo.com/register
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.