Good Evening Gloverville Families,
This is a busy week for us with a lot of different things going on. It is also hard to believe we will hit the half way point of the 1st quarter.
Early Dismissal - August 21st, is our first Early Dismissal day for the school year. Students are dismissed at 11:30am.
Book Fair - Students will shop during their related arts time. Setting up an eWallet helps students go through the checkout process much quicker and there is zero chance of forgetting money. Any balance left on an eWallet carries over to the next Book Fair. Directions for setting up an eWallet.
We also need some additional volunteers to help in the book fair. Just remember if you plan to volunteer this year in the school and/or on field trips you need to fill out our volunteer form and go through a training. We have additional forms located in the office.
Interim Reports - They will be available in the Parent Portal.
Watchdogs - Thursday, August 22nd, we have our Watchdogs kick off starting at 6pm.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Mr. Lobaugh